Graphics is not supported× Chart: Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax), Salaries And Financing Select Region:AfricaAmericaAsiaEuropeOceania 1.Switzerland6,628.64 $ 2.Luxembourg5,548.66 $ 3.United States4,429.15 $ 4.Singapore4,193.19 $
Salary After Tax CalculatorsUnited States Canada United Kingdom Average Salary in 221 CountriesWe have researched and collated average salary information for 3,628 different jobs in 221 countries. To find out more about the average salary of a job in a specific country, click on the country ...
Cost of living > Average monthly disposable salary > After tax:Countries Compared Map + − Factoid #201 Peru is one of the countries withless rainfall in the world. But don’t worry, you can buy a small bottle of waterfor just $0.56. ...
Germany offers high wages for junior specialists, but a Node JS programmer salary for middle and senior positions is lower than in Norway and the Netherlands. The highest-paying countries in Western Europe are Austria, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. Nordic countries like Norway ...
RankCountryAverage Salary (€/hour) 1Luxembourg€47.2 2Denmark€42.0 3Norway€41.7 4Iceland€39.5 5Belgium€36.3 6Ireland€33.3 7Netherlands€33.0 8Germany€31.6 9Finland€30.5 10Austria€30.0 11France€28.7 12Sweden€26.3 13Slovenia€21.9
In 2021, the average income for private households in the Dutch province of Zeeland totalled roughly 47,600 euros. Couples with children on average experienced the highest income at around 73,900 euros, compared to one person households, which earned on average 27,400 euros. ...
Find out the average salary in Romania in 2024, salary breakdowns, how it compares with other EU countries, and more.
The salary distribution is right-skewed, therefore more than 50% of people earn less than the average gross salary. These figures will shrink after income tax is applied. In less developed markets, actual incomes may exceed those listed in the table due to the existence of grey economies. In...
Qatar finished sixth on the list of countries where employees enjoy the highest average monthly pay after tax deductions. The data, compiled by the online database...
Full-time workers in London earned an average salary of around 24 British pounds an hour, compared with workers in North East England, who only earned an average of 16.53 pounds an hour, the highest and lowest average hourly wages in the United Kingdom respectively. ...