In France, it is possible to receive a “return-to-work” benefit while working, provided this does not exceed the daily reference salary. This is “salaire journalier de reference”/ SJR. German workers can work for less than 15 hours per week and still continue to receive their unemployme...
[Country's name]The Russian federation, also calls Russia (The Russian Federation, The Russia; российскаяфедерация, россия).[Capital]Moscow (москва).Area 1081 square kilometers.The resident population 11,510,000 (acts according to in 2010 national census...
Excitation transfers from Nd$+3$PLU$/ to Yb$+3$PLU$/ ions in garnet offer stored energies near 1 J/cm$+3$/, pulse repetition rate of 1 Hz.!12A.V. BurtsevP.N. Lebedev Physical InstituteMoscowRussiaYu. V. SenatskiyP.N. Lebedev Physical Institute...