Plus its this song AGAIN. Many people (such asSeason 1 Champion Yoga Lin 林宥嘉andSeason 5 PK King Antony Nee 倪安東)had sing this song and get sky rocket scores so I thought Bai Chao cannot be compared to them. Sometimes I don’t get why people will want to choose super classic songs...
items and function as wardbots with little to no gold to spend. There was no way to queue up for specific roles, and in fact Riot deliberately fought against the concept of having roles at all long after it was obvious from competitive play that they were an inherent part of the ...
Highest rank is champion 1, staple champ 5 before (idk now ofc lol). Previously a Virtue member as well. Nickname: epic7#td560l (Change available) Auto W13, others 11. (havent tried doing 12-13 for others lol) Can Hell Raid Auto tower Abyss Floor 99 cleared Arena - Champion (...