Possumwood is a graph-based procedural authoring tool, in concept not dissimilar to popular CG packages like Houdini, Blender or Maya. It is intended to serve as a sandbox for computer graphics algorithms and libraries, providing a user-friendly and coding-free UI for libraries that would otherw...
2.1 t-Norms, t-Conorms, Aczel–Alsina t-Norms Definition 1 [19] ''A t-norm is a rational function on the unit interval [0,1], that is, a function T : ½0; 1 Â ½0; 1 ! ½0; 1 designed in such a way the following four axioms are fulfilled,, for all ...
2 & Rishikesh Narayanan 1* Hippocampal pyramidal neurons are endowed with signature excitability characteristics, exhibit theta-frequency selectivity — manifesting as impedance resonance and as a band-pass structure in the spike-triggered average (STA) — and coincidence detection tuned for ...
Keywords: average wind power; interval forecasts; optimal subtractive clustering method; ANFIS; SSA; Model comparison 1. Introduction 1.1. Motivation Given the important environmental advantages of renewable energy sources, the installation of wind power plants has significantly increased in most ...
The FWA approach is a function of fuzzy numbers using interval arithmetic, which has proven useful for aggregation functions in management science and engineering. FWA has been applied in many decision-related fields, such as material substitution selection [21], location selection [22], flexible ...