Learn more about the Dynamics.AX.Application.ReportDesign.printerAveragePPM in the Dynamics.AX.Application namespace.
Therefore, the number of "theoretical" points refers to the maximum capacity that the printer can achieve, but the implementation depends on the combination of paper, if the use of dedicated paper, can achieve better performance, place more independence on each inch Ink point. If th...
When putting your layout together, it helps to understand how the design will be interpreted by the printer. Trim line When designing your business card layout, the trim line represents the final size of your business card. As a reminder, 3.5" x 2" is the standard size for a U.S. ...
With the average American going through more than 700 pounds of paper per year, many firms are looking for ways to discourage their employees from over-using the office printer. Toshiba America Business Solutions has come up with an alternative idea. It has introduced the e-STUDI04508LP, a ...