Higher velocity and increased shifts led to the major league batting average dropping to .243, its lowest since 1968.
Baseball can’t run away from its lack of runs. Batting averages are near half-century lows. Velocity is at an all-time high.
Average four-seam fastball velocity is 94.2 mph this year, matching 2023 and up from 91.1 mph in 2008. There were 3,880 pitches of 100 mph or higher last year, up from 214 in 2008. Just at Triple-A this year there have been 461. “You can tell as a hitter....
Pitch Velocity How hard, in miles per hour, a pitch is thrown. Pitch Movement The movement of a pitch is defined in inches, both in raw numbers and as a measurement against average. Active Spin Statcast refers to the spin that contributes to movement as Active Spin. Spin Rate ...
Pitchers arethrowing faster, too, with the averagefour-seam fastballvelocity increasing from 92.9 MPH in 2015 to 93.5 MPH this year. There are alsomore strikeouts, with an average of 9.06 per team per game. That statistic is especially telling considering that it’s increased nearly every year...
Velocity–The higher the velocity, longer the down time. This rule becomes less of a factor the older an athlete is. For example, a high schooler that throws 96 needs more time off relative to his peer compared to a 27 yr old in Triple A that throws 96. Previous Calendar Year Innings...
Sportvision created the Statcast system, and it was introduced in the 2015 regular season for every MLB game. Statcast provides publicly available data on every pitch that is thrown and is based on both Doppler radar (for tracking balls) and video monitoring (for tracking players). Given that...