(2) to whose output (1) a frequency multiplier (3) is connected, whose output is connected to the input (4) of the adding circuit (5), whose output (7) is connected to the input of the digitally controlled generator (2) on the one hand, and the output (8) of the whole device ...
AI’s demand for electricity is growing so rapidly that Microsoft recently put together a deal to purchase the entire electric generating capacity of the shuttered nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania — part of a reactor complex that partially melted down in 1979. ...
Max, since 2011 Germany’s coal output has increased. Is there any doubt that health problems, environmental damage, resource depletion, and subsidies haven’t? On any basis you choose (except misplaced fear of nuclear energy), Germany is going backwards. ...
reactor kineticsmeasuring methodsevaluationsAn autoregressive moving average model of neutron fluctuations with large measurement noise is developed from the Langevin stochastic equations with the noise equivalent source in the form of a vector Wiener process. The neutron field/detector interaction is ...
A calibration method for EMF using cross-correlation of its output voltage fluctuations has been proposed. This method, however, requires two pairs of electrodes, and it is desired to develop an alternative method without this requirement.Akira ENDOU...