Registered Nurses make an average of $103,428 / year in USA, or $53.04 / hr. Try's salary tool and access the data you need.
Registered Nurses make an average of $20,000 / year in Margate, FL, or $10.26 / hr. Try's salary tool and access the data you need.
In 2017, CRNAs earned an average salary of$169,450 per year. The median (middle) salary for nurse anesthetists was$165,120 per year. This was much higher than other advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), with nurse practitioners earning anaverage salary of $107,480 per yearand nurse...
860 and $40,760 nationwide. This works out to an average of $16 to $20 per hour. In comparison,Salary.complaces a paramedic’s annual wage between $38,722 and $49,143, or an average of $21 an hour. However, paramedics can earn significantly more with time and experience; EMTs ...
The average teacher's salary in Connecticut (ranked first among states) it $57, 337. Suppose that the distribution of salaries is normal with a standard deviation of $7500. Round intermediate z value The average annual salary in Pennsylvania was $25,000 i...