Find data on the average ATM Manager salary in Switzerland for 2025, based on experience, education and more!
Graphics is not supported× Chart: Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax), Salaries And Financing Select Region:AfricaAmericaAsiaEuropeOceania 1.Switzerland6,628.64 $ 2.Luxembourg5,548.66 $ 3.United States4,429.15 $ 4.Singapore4,193.19 $
Graphics is not supported× Chart: Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax), Salaries And Financing 1Switzerland6349.85 2Luxembourg5326.03 3United States4226.03 4Singapore4005.13 5Qatar3825.90 6Hong Kong (China)3678.62 7Australia3541.07 8Denmark3407.17 ...
Switzerland CHF 5,102 CHF 6,214 0.94 2015 5,817 4,775 57,120 60,650 Turkey TRY 2,259 civil servant salary TRY 3,160 0.27 2016 890 620 7,440 7,715 Ukraine UAH 4,313 UAH 5,358 0.0365 2016-09 196 157 1,884 2,002 United Kingdom GBP 1,816 GBP 2,292 1.20 2015 2,730 2,160...
This statistic displays the average monthly salary of self-employed journalists in Spain in 2018, distributed by salary range.
Qatar and the UAE finished among the top 10 ranked nations, with the former coming in sixth with an average salary of $4,130.45. The UAE was seventh with $3,581.87. While Switzerland came first in the list with an average take-home salary of $6,186.01, Luxembourg was second ($5,180.7...
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In Europe, the disparities in terms of average salary and taxation can be wide. The highest average salaries, both net and gross, can be found in Switzerland, with some of the lowest income tax (5725€ gross, 17.9% tax, 4700€ net). ...
Senior chief financial officer salary per annum in Switzerland 2023 Prepaid debit card use in U.S. households 2013-2019, by tenure Financial controller salary per annum in banking in Belgium 2020, by experience Value of assets managed by global ETFs 2010-2017, by region Leading inverse and le...
all employed women in Switzerland have thus been entitled during the 14 weeks (98 days) following the birth of a child, to an allowance amounting to 80% of their last salary, up to a maximum of 172 Swiss francs per day (corresponding to an average monthly salary of 6450 Swiss francs)....