GPAGladstone Port Authority(QLD Australia) GPAGovernment Property Administrator GPAGold Prospectors Association GPAGeneral Power of Appointment(asset management) GPAGas Producers Association GPAGosport Pool Arena(Gosport, UK; pool hall) GPAGas Purchase Agreement ...
"It's not just the tuition bill that matters, but all these nontuition expenses," like housing, dining, transportation, books and supplies, says Nicholas Hillman, a professor in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. "And students can borrow...
Average contact frequency (mean number of contacts per individual ± SD) for koalas at St Bees Island, Queensland, Australia during breeding and non-breeding seasons.William, EllisSean, FitzGibbonGeoff, PyeBill, WhippleBen,...
“I could understand Shopify,” she continued. “As we were building [LIVELY’s online store], I could see how I could change my homepage on my mobile phone, and I could merchandise my products, and everything about my business could come with me, which is what I needed. Because I'm...
2. Our average age of the car fleet is now 10.4 years in Australia. In 1995 is was estimated at 10.6 years. In 2010 it was 10 years. So not much change at all over the years. 3. Car sales here in June exploded upwards as the end of fi...
Average encounter duration (± SD) in seconds for koalas at St Bees Island, Queensland, Australia, during breeding (September–December) and non-breeding (May–July) seasons.William, EllisSean, FitzGibbonGeoff, Pye...