Men were on average older than women at their first marriage, with 36.8 years and 34.9 years respectively in 2023. Most common age at first marriageIn 2022, more than 80,000 people got married in Sweden . Of these, people between 30 and 34 years made up the largest age group. Length...
Average salary by age in China Paylab Highly paid jobs: average salary in China deep dive Average salary in China for software engineer research Paylab The cost of living in Mainland China Estimated monthly expenses Msadvisory Where does China outsource to?
Population overview Age structure Households Fertility & birth Death & mortality Marriage & divorce Migration The most important statistics Age structure in Brazil 2022 Brazil: total population 2015-2030, by age Median age of the population in Brazil 2015 Age dependency ratio Brazil 1980-2023 ...