February 2018 Kepak Farm, located in Dunboyne, finishes 3,500 cattle a year, with cattle supplied direct to the nearby Kepak factory in Clonee.Owned by the Kepak Group, it claims to be one of Ireland’s most efficient finishing units, with average daily liveweight gains hitting 1.5kg a he...
Average daily gain is calculated by dividing the change in body weight during the elapsed period (units usually pounds or kilograms/day) View chapterExplore book The effect of feeding antibiotic growth promoters on the performance of beef cattle consuming forage-based diets: A review G. ...
Traits analyzed in this study were average daily gain (ADG) during the fattening period, live weight at slaughter (LW), cold carcass weight (CW), estimated lean yield percentage (LYE), longissimus muscle area (LMA), subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT), rib thickness (RT), and marbling score ...
Presents information pertaining to the comparison of mass selection by independent culling levels for below-average birth and high yearling weight, and single-trait mass selection in beef cattle. Information on the excessive calf weight; Description of selection criteria; Details on the birth weight; ...
Analysis of the energy expenditure in the performance testing of young bulls of dairy and beef cattle types on the farm VEG (Z) Tierzucht Woldegk. At a breeding station the energy requirements of growing bulls of 8 dairy genotypes (average liveweight 229 to 318 kg) and 3 beef genotypes (...
This study was conducted to examine the relationship among average annual productivity of the cow (PRODAM), yearling weight (YW), postweaning BW gain (PWG), scrotal circumference (SC), and stayability in the herd for at least 6 yr (STAY) of Nelore and composite beef cattle. Measurements ...
Carcass weight was the most critical factor contributing to carcass value, whereas BW an carcass quality were the primary factors affecting steer profitability. These models represent the relative importance of factors contributing to value and profitability in early-weaned Simmental steers based on ...