(redirected fromAverage life) Also found in:Medical,Financial,Encyclopedia. mean life n (General Physics)physicsthe average time of existence of an unstable or reactive entity, such as a nucleus, elementary particle, charge carrier, etc; lifetime. It is equal to the half-life divided by 0.693...
Unfortunately, the comparative gaze of many Latvian doctors is to the United States. The level of their frustrations will no doubt rise considerably when they realize that, under circumstances of economic uncertainty and of competition with so many other needs, only marginal gains in financing will...
A statement earlier this month from the Rome-based Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics -- its membership is made up of doctors specializing in the elderly -- said that in Italy a person should be considered "old" only after their 75th birthday. The average life span in Italy has ...
You can use this list of medical abbreviations and acronyms written by our doctors the next time you can't understand what is on your prescription package, blood test results, or medical procedure orders. Examples include: ANED: Alive no evidence of disease. The patient arrived in the ER ...
Guest Essay by Kip Hansen This essay is the third and last in a series of essays about Averages -- their use and misuse. My interest is in the logical and scientific errors, the informational errors, that can result from what I have playfully coined
Recent figures suggest on average, the number of doctors is down by about # % in hospitals Nedavne cifre govore da je u bolnicama u prosjeku broj doktora niži za oko # % Setimes On average # % of the recreational waters in Greece met the EU 's guidelines. [ Getty Images ]...
When you build up something in your mind for 2/3 of your life, it’s rare that expectations are totally met. But Japan lived up to and exceeded all of mine. Over the span of two decades, I had done so much reading, consumed so many pieces of media, and talked to so many people...
In addition to creating life-long memories with my family, anotherspan> wonderful thing happened as a result of this bike trip. As we were returning home, I was flooded with new ideas. I came up with concepts for nine blog posts and several ideas that I want to incorporate into my busin...
of how much sleep doctors actually obtain on a regular basis. Consequently, there are no assessments of whether the stereotypes of chronic sleep deprivation are accurate and if the average resident may be experiencing the abovementioned consequences of it. It was the aim of this systematic review...
In this you might need to live the life span of a maniac, a young child, and a wealthy man. Each of three characters want to live their lifetime and should reach the end of the match to pull a big heist. Subsequent to the Story manner is complete, an individual could play the ...