Most of themolly fish lifespanis three to five years. If you need a need with a longer lifespan, then molly fish isn’t perfect for you, however, if this is not your requirement, you can keep molly fish. Some types can even live longer than the average lifespan, this can be asked...
Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster:1.5 to 2 years As explained above, these are just averages. It is of course possible for a Roborovski hamster to only live for 1.5 years, or for a Chinese hamster to live for over 3 years. Generally speaking though, the above lifespans should give you...
Which one of the following have the longest lifespan: black holes, white dwarfs, red dwarfs or neutron stars? Explain. Why is life more likely to be found on the moons of the Gas Giants instead of on the Gas Giants themselves? Wha...