In the USA and much of Western Europe, the average working week is 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday. Meanwhile, in Japan, the average business day runs from 8.30 am to 7 pm from Monday to Friday. However, in Saudi Arabia, the workweek starts on Sunday at 8 am. They work till ...
In ancient China, Lingzhi was believed to be a magical medical fungus that could bring longevity through mysterious powers of healing the body and calming the mind [1]. Of interest, modern pharmacological and clinical investigations have demonstrated that G. lucidum has a number of pharmacological ...
50, after it which it starts declining. IQ itself is a relative measure in comparison with one's peer age group and doesn't usually change. The average IQ score is volatile during childhood and adolescence, although it is not clear why, but after that, it remains stable throughout life....
Back in 1985, as I was cutting my teeth in the car business, there was a lot of hand-wringing over the rising age of vehicles, and folks thought that the trend would have to reverse soon because Americans would get tired driving these old clunk...
3.2. Sub-Analysis of Papers from the USA To better compare mean sleep times between specialties, a sub-analysis of papers stemming from the U.S. was conducted, as a direct comparison between data from different countries does not account for differences in permissible work hours, average worklo...