The average IQ score is volatile during childhood and adolescence, although it is not clear why, but after that, it remains stable throughout life. The average IQ of the population in general, however, has increased over time. This is known as the Flynn Effect, named after James Flynn who...
C, Distribution of person-years of life lost (PYLL) due to breast cancer by age at diagnosis (total = 326 560), with patients followed up for 20 years after diagnosis. Source: SEER 9 registries. The PYLL is based on the 2011 US Female Life Table.28 Figure 2. Upper, Middle, ...
Exercise also helps after a diabetes diagnosis. A November 2010 study in JAMA showed doing aerobic and resistance training together helped improve A1C levels, which test your average blood sugar level for the past two to three months, in people with type 2 diabetes. Ready to Exercise Re...