Chinese Patent Law Paralegal average salary is $35,360, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. Chinese Patent Law Paralegal salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Chinese Patent Law Paralegal salary ...
Business Managers make an average of $127,118 / year in USA, or $65.19 / hr. Try's salary tool and access the data you need.
Salaries for lawyers in private practice vary, depending on their law practice areas, the number of years they have practiced law, the size oftheir law firmand their geographic location. In 2013, the median annual salary for first-year associates in law firms that employed two to 25 attorneys...
Pediatrician Average Salary According to the Medscape report, the average salary for pediatric doctors in 2023 was $251,000, a $7,000 raise from the previous year. This puts them at the bottom range among the medical specialties that were surveyed, only slightly above Public Health and Prevent...
In addition to the salary each NFL referee gets, they are also entitled to a 401K plan in which the NFL deposits an average of $20,000 per referee. Salary Breakdown A referee that earns a yearly $70,000 salary from the NFL makes $291.76 per day. This works out to be a weekly salar...
Find out the average salary in Romania in 2024, salary breakdowns, how it compares with other EU countries, and more.
Total 21149 Salaries. Sorted by Salary, page 1 Ranked By:SalaryCompanyJobsDate JobtitleCompanySalaryCityYear Foreign Law ConsultantPillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman$ 650,000Palo Alto, CA, 9430109/30/2014 Managing DirectorGor$ 600,000Palo Alto, CA, 9430109/21/2016 ...
Average Salary for a Controller Accounting professionals who make it to the controller position enjoy above-average salaries. TheBureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)doesn't have a separate category for controllers. Rather, controllers are lumped into the financial manager category. The median annual salar...
Retail salary rises average 3.1%.Focuses on the average salary rate increases in the retailing sector in Great Britain. Survey of jobs in retailing organizations; Key factors governing salary increase decisions; Highlights of the survey.EBSCO_bspIrs Employment Review...
As stipulated in Article 47 of China Labor Contract Law, if the monthly salary of an employee is three times greater than the Average Salary in the previous year as announced by the municipality directly under the Central Government or the people’s governments at the level of city divided int...