Average garbage and recycling bill Garbage and recycling costs could depend on whether you have pickup services and the size of the cans, but according to Move.org, you could pay between $25 and $100 each month. And sometimes this can be included in the sewer bill, which might cost about...
The average family spends approximately $80 to $85 a year on detergents and soaps for laundry. This can be broken down to about $7 per month, or the cost of one to two bottles of detergent. This amount does not include the added expenses of dryer sheets and other laundry accessories, e...
. We occasionally give her a taste of our dinner while cleaning up the kitchen, but we are pretty healthy “whole food” eaters, so it’s usually veggies, or some leftover chicken or salmon. She doesn’t seem to be ready to “check out” anytime soon, and for that we are gratef...
Average age of vehicles in operation makes a huge difference in terms of how many new vehicles the industry can sell into this market, even if the size of the national fleet grows. And the fleet has grown. Americans operate more vehicles than ever...