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Net income and production response to selection for milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 77: 1890-1896.Dunklee, J. S. 1991. Comparison of Holsteins selected for high and average milk production. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State Univ., Ames.Dunklee, J. S., A. E. Freeman, and D. H. Kelley. ...
The distribution of MAMCr in Equation (4) is calculated as the product of the maize contracts sold on the futures market and the exogenously determined price distribution for the specific MAC combination being optimized, plus the income generated from the spot market sales minus marketing costs. ...
Variable Count (% of Working Sample) Gender Female Mean age Education a High school or less Some college or associate degree Bachelor degree Graduate school degree 3250 (83%) 49 340 (9%) 1265 (34%) 1139 (31%) 945 (25%) Family income b <$25k $25–50k $50–75k $75–100k >$100k...