通过=AVERAGEIF(range, criteria)函数,我们可以根据指定条件来计算符合条件的数字的平均值。这在对数据进行筛选和分类分析时非常实用,能够帮助我们更精确地得出平均值。 另外,Average函数还可以设置忽略空单元格或错误值,通过=AVERAGEIF(range, "<>0")或=AVERAGEIF(range, "not error")等方式,我们可以排除不符合...
The AVERAGEIF function in Excel facilitates users in calculating the average of a specified range of cells that meet a specific condition. The syntax for implementing the Excel AVERAGEIF function consists of 3 arguments and is as follows: Syntax: AVERAGEIF (range, criteria, [average_range]) Arg...
If not 想要在计算过程中在引用中包含数字的逻辑 valuesand 文本表示形式,请使用 AVERAGE 函数。 每当没有要聚合的行时,该函数将返回 blank。 但是,if 有行,但其中 none 符合指定条件,函数返回 0。 Microsoft Excel 还返回零 if 找不到满足条件的行。
Copy the example data in the following table and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show results, select them, press F2, and then press Enter. If you need to, you can adjust the column widths to see all the data. ...
In this article, we will learn how to get the Average numbers if not blank in Excel. Problem? For Instance, We have a large list of data and we need to find the Average of the price or amount given some criteria. Criteria is getting average only where cells are not blank. Criteria ...
B、SUMIF C、SUMIFS D、AVERAGE 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [T]B-G-009213:在Excel中,函数AVERAGE的功能是,返回函数中的最大值。 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [T]B-G-009223:已知A1单元格中的公式为=AVERAGE(B1:F6将B列删除之后A1单元格中的公 A、 =AVERAGE(#REF) B、 =AVERAGE(C1:F6) C...
Excel provides a variety of ways to find the average of a set of numbers. For example, you can use function to calculate a simple average, a weighted average, or an average that excludes specific values. Use the provided sample data and the following procedures to learn how to calculate av...
The AVERAGEIFS function is available in Excel 2007 - Excel 365. Note.The AVERAGEIFS function works with the AND logic, i.e. only those cells are averaged for which all the conditions are TRUE. To calculate cells for which any single condition is TRUE, use theAVERAGE IF ORformula. ...
The AVERAGEIF function in Excel calculates the average of cells that meet one criteria. AVERAGEIFS calculates the average of cells that meet multiple criteria.
“>=0” is the criteria. Press Enter. The average if cells are not blank is 81. Read More: Excel AVERAGEIF Function for Values Greater Than 0 Things to Remember The AVERAGEIF Function returns a #DIV/0! error if any referenced cell is non-numeric. Download Practice Workbook Average If ...