Easy health walk: If you take an easy walk around the neighborhood or park while having a conversation, use 3 miles per hour or 5 kilometers per hour. Moderate to brisk walk: If you are walking at a determined, swift pace and breathing noticeably, use 4 miles per hour or 6.5 kilometer...
The speed at which you achieve moderate intensity while walking will vary for everyone. Focus on your exertion instead, which is measured by your heart and breathing rate. If you are walking at a brisk pace, you may notice that you are breathing harder than usual. That said, you should be...
2) are tiny steps which will save an insignificant amount of energy. You may as well do these things, but you aren't going to see reflected on your next bill, and they aren't going to change the world - things like "clean your air filter" or "turn up the thermostat a few degrees...
As chief of Samsung’s Washing & Cleaning Technology Group(WCTG), he’s the man behind a new washing machine that deposits tiny silver particles(small pieces of things) —about 1 / 10,000 the thickness of a human hair— onto clothes to make them germ-and-odor-free without the need of...
Why we need separate bike lanes – human beings are not perfect. None of us obey the law 100% of the time, and all of us make poor choices occasionally. Should those motorists have made more space for that cyclist?Yes, that would have been better, but it would have required cat-like...