The average household spends around 3.8% of their income on clothing. Families bringing home the average $64,175 annually spend around $2,440 on clothing per year. This tends to vary based on the ages of the children. Younger children are often less expensive to clothe while teens have more...
This can equal as much as 8%-9% of the average household income. This amount takes into account transportation, lodging, food, and entertainment. Luckily, there are ways you can cut down on costs. Staying with friends or family can reduce lodging costs. Driving, rather than flying, can ...
Not bad. Believe it or not, theaverage household net worth in America is now $1.06 million. But these average net worth numbers are skewed by the super rich who have generated an enormous amount of wealth since the financial crisis. The median household net worth is closer to $192,000, ...
and still maintain all the comforts of civilization. In order to facilitate that, they are built to use water, propane, and electricity more efficiently than a normal household. For example, if you wanted an ammonia-gas-absorption-cycle refrigerator for your house you...