Average, median, and every household income percentile in 2023 including top 1%. See what percent you are vs. all United States households.
该数据的历史最高值出现于06-01-2024,达134,599.000新西兰元,而历史最低值则出现于06-01-2007,为66,458.000新西兰元。CEIC提供的家庭年平均总收入数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Stats NZ,数据归类于全球数据库的新西兰 – Table NZ.H026: Annual Household Income。
Average annual disposable income in the United Kingdom in 2022/23, by age group of household reference person (in GBP) Average dispoable income in GBP36,27436,27437,50937,50945,60845,60844,24044,24047,93747,93741,86641,86638,66038,66033,86233,86232,91432,91429,71229,71234,31034,31039,72639,...
Average income by age, plus median, top 1% and all individual income percentiles in 2024. See how you rank as a percentile for your age and income.
The average pre-tax income per household in 2022 was $94,003, according to the most recent BLS survey data. Every year since 2018 — with the exception of 2023 — married households filing jointly with that income have been in a lower tax bracket than single filers, head-of-household file...
Average income in the Dutch province of Zeeland in 2021, by household type (in thousands of euros) Average income in thousands of euros73.973.950.450.447.647.640.340.327.427.4Couple withchild/childrenCouple without childTotal private households*One person householdOne parent household 0102030405060708090...
Average cost of home insurance by city In addition to the state you live in, your individual city may also have an impact on your home insurance rates. Risk factors like weather damage and crime statistics vary by city, as do the costs for materials and labor. Below are the 25 largest ...
【例句1】Average household income fell slightly. (家庭平均收入略有下降。)[牛津高级学者辞典]【例句2】Average income fell by one third during this period. (在此期间,平均收入下降了三分之一。)[用分数1/3来计算,肯定强调量]【例句3】Average disposable income was down 5.1 per cent from last...
挪威Average Household Income: Number of Households的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 平均家庭收入:家庭户数 (站)2,429,057.0002016年2005 - 2016 平均家庭收入:IT:IW:薪资 (挪威克朗)490,700.0002016年2005 - 2016 平均家庭收入:IT:IW:自雇净收入 (挪威克朗)31,900.0002016年2005 - 2016 ...