Average Hourly Wages in Canada in 2020 ProfessionAv. Hourly Wage Retail Sales / Sales Clerk $14 Data Entry Clerk $18 Accounting Clerk $21 Bookkeeper $24 Truck Driver $24 Carpenter $25 Executive Assistant $29 Electrician $28 Plumber $31 Social Worker $34 Architect $34 Registered Nurse $42 ...
Average hourly compensation costs in the chemical industry in 2012, by country Average hourly compensation costs in the machinery industry in 2012, by country Canada: average hourly wage of all employees 2000-2022 Average hourly wage of all employees in Canada 2022, by industry Canada: median ho...
Minimum wage in Asia The minimum wage is the lowest compensation an employer has to give an employee for their hourly service. Here are the minimum wages in some prominent countries of Asia: Country Minimum Wage per Month (USD) China USD 376 Malaysia USD 338 The Philippines USD 202 Russia...
wage earners, such as agriculture, retail trade, food services, accommodation, and personal services; The most current value of Statistics Canada's Low Income Cut-Off rates; The average costs of food, clothing, and shelter in British Columbia; and The status of other economic and social ...
Chipotle Mexican Grill is hiking its average hourly pay to $15 as it vies for workers in an increasingly tight U.S. labor market. The Mexican-themed food chain said Monday it would offer a starting wage of $11 to $18 an hour by the end of June. That's a starting wage increase of...
competitiveness and economic strength American adults scored below the international average on a global test, according to results released Tuesday.Adults in Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland and multiple other countries scored significantly higher than the United States in all three areas on the test...
This chart can be used as a rough estimate for those with the RRSP plan in Canada and retirement plans in Europe and Australia as well. In fact, any country that has any sort of tax-deferred retirement plan and social safety net program for retirement that has a GDP/capita of $30,000...
The demand for such developers can drive up the average wage. Likewise, if there’s a lack of demand, that can result in a lower average. Let’s take a moment to review the countries where backend developers are in high demand (data courtesy of ZipRecruiter): Switzerland: $110k/year (...
As remote work continues to grow ever more popular, especially in the tech industry, you may wonder if you’ll earn as good of a wage working remotely or if it’s better to pursue a salaried, in-person job. It’s also very closely tied to freelance work, which is far more often rem...
Male employees who work for Apple in the United Kingdom earn five percent more on average than women, according to a UK Gender Pay Gap report released today by Apple [PDF]. The median hourly pay gap was two percent in favor of women, however. ...