The decision by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) to retain the repo rate at 3.5% (home loan base rate at 7%) is disappointing and out of step with the economy, says Samuel Seeff, chairman of the Seeff Property Group. "A rate cut would have provided a vita...
due mostly to higher fuel and electricity costs. This is what prompted the Reserve Bank to raise rates, but it also means that most households have less disposable income, which is one of the key factors that banks look at when considering a home loan application." ...
said the UK shares the problems that precipitated South Korea's record low fertility: deteriorating economic conditions, rocketing house prices, inflexible workplace culture, long working hours and policies against working from home, to name a few. ...
Im lucky in the fact that a) I have a loan of a horse and b) horse riding is what i love to do and its a great way to burn kcals but the point I’m trying to get at is I can ride easily for 2/3hrs and enjoy it so ultimatley every minute on that horse is a minute tha...
A good flip on a 1mm home can easily cost $100k in materials and labor. Add in the time value to carry the 1mm loan for 6 months to a year and the $50-100k left over in profit isn’t bad but it’s not getting rich. To make money flipping it is very important to buy low ...