Average height-to-weight ratio 身高体重比平均值 19. Average attendance 平均出勤率 20. Average lifespan expectancy 平均寿命预期 21. Average retirement age 平均退休年龄 22. Average hours worked per week 平均每周工作时间 23. Average level of education 平均教育水平 24. Average household size 平均家庭...
Height or weight alone cannot provide information on the health status of an individual. Height and weight measurements together are used to calculate a ratio between the two values, known as body mass index (BMI), one of the tools to assess if a person is normal weight, underweight, ...
(Mathematics) an average value of a set of integers, terms, or quantities, expressed as their sum divided by their number:the arithmetic mean of 3, 4, and 8 is 5. Often shortened to:meanAlso called:averageComparegeometric mean Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio...
More than 75% LBM in men & 68% in women may indicate health concerns. To build a fit and healthy physique, you’ve got to understand your body composition. Standing on a scale will tell you how much you weigh but won’t shed light on how much muscle and fat you carry. For that,...
and were instructed to sit straight, look directly at the camera, and adopt a neutral facial expression. Photographs were taken from a tripod set to match the sitting height so as to keep the target’s face in the middle of the frame. To preserve natural variability in facial size, the ...
It became evident then that the best index was the ratio of the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters, or the Quetelet Index described in 1832. Adolphe Quetelet (1796-1874) was a Belgian mathematician, astronomer and statistician, who developed a passionate interest...
Each body type - based on height, weight, and fitness level - has a deadlift variation its best suited to. As such, the average deadlift weight for a given body type differs from one variation to the next. It also depends on how you perform your deadlift reps. Your one-rep max is ...
The mean value of a set of values is simply the ratio of the sum of the number of values in the set to the total number of values in the set. For example, if we need to calculate the average age of women or men in a group or the average adult height in India, we add all ...
As with almost every strength exercise, we can say that a good dead hang time for men will be longer than a good dead hang time for women of equal fitness levels because men have a higher strength ratio relative to body weight than women. ...
Average Weight Loss for Men on the hCG Diet You might just want to skim right past this part ladies. It’s just going to make you mad. Men simply lose faster. So if you’re a man reading this, congrats! It actually is common to have an average 1 lb/day weight loss. I still say...