Nowadays, there are over 63,000 registered Vietnamese citizens who live in Czechia. They form the third largest minority after Slovaks and Ukrainians8. Together with the Vietnamese who have a Czech citizenship, they are by far the most common visually distinct (i.e., non-European looking)...
B.G. Unbegaun defines Russian language as a two-dimensional language and opposes it to one-dimensional languages oriented solely on communicative speech like, for example, modern Ukrainian or Belarus languages [3]. It is accepted that social characteristics may be ordered in the following way by...
A Ukrainian Rack: There is a company in Ukraine (Mmoto Parts) that makes racks for the PC. This was originally discussed on the UK PC800 forums. Since then, an IPCRCer has purchased one and been very pleased with the results. The manufacturer is even sending him a slightly modified ...
governing parameters controlling the fresh behaviours of BFRM. Hence, the AWFT and FF may be used to develop a model for the fresh properties of BFRM. Keywords: average water film thickness;basalt fibre;fibre factor;fibre mortar;fresh behaviour...