(applicable to certaingradesofemployees), discretionary bonuses and fringe benefits that are comparablewiththemarket. asiasat.com asiasat.com 現有的薪酬組合包括薪金、房屋福利(只適用於部分 級別的僱員)、酌情花紅及與市場相若的其他福利。 asiasat.com ...
Masters/Mistresses,i.e.on average$28,275permonth. Fringe benefits for NETs include passages from and to country of origin for each contract for the NETs and their families, baggage allowance on first appointment ($1,300 for single NETs and $5,000 for married NETs), special allowance ($13...
Base Annual Salarymeans the annual cash compensation relating to services performed during any calendar year, whether or not paid in such calendar year or included on the Federal Income Tax Form W-2 for such calendar year, excluding bonuses, commissions, overtime, fringe benefits, stock options,...
One interesting region of the graph is stated as being a ‘tightly clustered fringe’, characterized by graph properties of local neighbourhoods outside of the core, and which can be identified by using the clustering coefficient statistic. Mislove states that the clustering coefficient of social ne...
Masters/Mistresses, i.e.onaverage$28,275permonth. Fringe benefits for NETs include passages from [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 小學英語教師的薪金與助理小學教席的薪金相同,即每月平均薪金為28,275 元,而附帶福利則包括這些教師及其家屬在每個合約期內往返原居國家的旅 ...
Fringe benefits for NETs include passages from and to country of origin for each contract for the NETs and their families, baggage allowance on first appointment ($1,300 for single NETs and $5,000 for married NETs), special allowance ($13,000 per month), medical allowance ($1,400 per ...