Iran has one of the highest road accident rates in the world, averaging five deaths every two hours. Later the line moved indoors; we were told that the wait had averaged two hours for the entire day. By the end of the year, inflation will average between seven and eight per cent. 1.1...
modal value, mode - the most frequent value of a random variable median, median value - the value below which 50% of the cases fall mean, mean value - an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n 2. average - (sports) th...
aSpot rates as measured by the comprehensive Shanghai Containerized Freight Index fell about 13 percent in 2011. In the trans-Pacific, the decline was even steeper, with average rates falling 16 percent, to $1,700 per 40-foot container. Trans-Pacific rates had rebounded to more than $2,...
This corresponds to normal inter- thermal sink rates. Sound then signifies some significant change in the airmass is occurring. Next selection flashes all blue and amber lights and the audio is in "full range" mode. This pattern repeats with successive selections. In the middle position this ...
Nike's latest quarterly report said that due to the rise in oil prices, labor costs and freight rates, the price of footwear and clothing products will begin to increase globally in the spring of 2012. Meanwhile, Li Ning Co, a domestic sportswear giant, also said that due to the increase...