There is considerable safety potential in ensuring that motorists respect the speed limits. High speeds increase the number and severity of accidents. Technological development over the last 20 years has enabled the development of systems that allow automatic speed control. The first generation of ...
The analysis of probe vehicle data shows that most algorithms of speed estimation are only applied to the condition of sampling interval is less than travel time.For improving the data utilization and the road network coverage of speed estimating results in the same condition of probe vehicle popul...
At our posted 70 mph (remember, it's a speed LIMIT, not a starting point), I pull about 54-56. Above that it drops quickly though I've never been above 75. More commonly for me, a trip to Tampa (50-60 mins) or Ft. Myers (close to 90 mins) I'll run 68 on the cruise and...
After the occurrence of an earthquake, the bridges within a transportation network may be damaged, resulting in reduced traffic capacity and speed limit. The drivers may change to choose the detour to the destinations. The travel distance and time to a destination may be longer compared with the...
If the first of the trip (chronologically) was driven at 96.5, what was the average speed for the rest of the journey? It took a car driver 30 minutes to travel a distance of 50 km. What is the average speed? A car enters the freeway with a ...
SpeedFuelConsumptionModelsRegressionModelMany factors affect the vehicular fuel consumption rate. The most significant traffic-related ones are speed, number of stops, speed noise, and acceleration noise (acceleration standard deviation). Fuel consumption models for both urban and highway traffic are used...