First, penis size changes as you age, and both flaccid and erectpenisesoften have little in common, size-wise. Measuring a significant number of penises in a controlled environment is tricky, too — if you have a penis, you probably know that keeping it hard in non-sexual situations for l...
Erect(hard) penis Flaccid(soft) penis Length5.16 inchesor 13.1 cm3.61 inchesor 9.2 cm Girth(circumference) 4.69 inchesor 11.9 cm3.67 inchesor 9.3 cm These measurements are according to a study done by BJUI (British Journal of Urology International) and several other studies.[1][2] ...
Erect penis girth: 11.66 centimeters (4.59 inches) It’s worth noting that the size of a flaccid penis isn’t a good indicator of how big it will be when it’s erect. Smaller flaccid penises do tend to lengthen more when they become hard compared to larger ones, but there’s still a...
The average length of an erect penis is around 5.3 inches.1Penis length and girth increases with age, but tends to stabilize by age 21.2Some studies suggest that taller people might have larger penises on average, but height isn't a foolproof way to predict size.3Geneticsplays a major role...
Most men believe that the average length of an erect penis is greater than 6 inches (15.24 cm). This belief is due, in part, to several often-cited studies that relied on self-reported measurements, with means of about 6.2 inches (15.75 cm) for heterosexual men and even greater for gay...
Is a 5-inch penis small? Few men broadly boast about having a 5-inch penis, and that’s because they think it’s small. But in actuality, a 5-inch penis is perfectly average. To be exact, the average erect penis measures to 5.16 inches, according to a 2015 scientific review publish...
Learn about how your 4-inch penis compares to the average in terms of length and girth, as well as the best sex positions for maximizing what you've got.
A systematic review that included more than 15000 men has found that the average length of a flaccid penis is 9.16 cm and an erect penis 13.12 cm. The research, published in the journal BJU International ,1 includes graphical diagrams, or nomograms, to show the range of male penis size ...
An average penis size of8.8 cm (3.5 inches)when flaccid An average penis size of 12.9 cm (5.1 inches) when erect Many studies have investigated average penis size. The study also found that the size of a man's erect penis was not correlated with the size of his flaccid penis. ...