Getting longer has long been all the rage on the PGA Tour, though this year more players lost yardage off the tee than gained. Of the 136 players who logged enough qualifying rounds in both the 2022-23 and 2024 seasons, 86 of them averaged fewer yards off the tee this year than in ...
An 11-Year Study of the Relative Importance of Driving Accuracy and Driving Distance on Scoring Average on the PGA TourRelativeImportanceAccuracyis a professor of mathematical sciences at the University of Northern Colorado. His specialty is estimation theory in mathematical statistics. In addition to ...
ascorrespondent Steve Kroftreports, that has never been enough for Wie. She wants to become the first woman ever to successfully compete with men in a professional sport. She has tried a couple of times on the PGA Tour without embarrassing herself...
Whaley should go for it; Dilemma: Armed with a 230-yard drive average, star golfer debates joining PGA TourJIM LITKE