According to Salary Explorer, the average salary in Malaysia is79,300 MYRannually (18,103 USD). The typical salary range in Malaysia is1,670 MYR(lowest average monthly salaryto29,400 MYR (highest average monthly salary). However, the actual maximum salary is higher. But since salaries vary ...
In 2023, the average salary for all U.S. physicians, including Primary Care Physicians and Specialists, was $363k. The average doctor salary grew by approximately 3% from 2022 to 2023. Orthopedics is currently the top-paying medical specialty, with an average annual salary of $558k.[...
Find out the average salary in Vietnam, salary comparison and what makes Vietnam an attractive outsourcing destination.
The numbers do vary for the average physician salary, depending on the source of the information. Data from ZipRecruiter notes the average annual pay for a "medical doctor" stands at $224,190 in 2018, with the highest salaries in the $397,000 range and on the lower end at $23,500. ...
Medical Doctor average salary is $190,034, median salary is $180,000 with a salary range from $92,290 to $360,000. Medical Doctor salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Medical Doctor salary statistics is not ...
The Juris Doctor degree is a professional law degree that students earn after successfully completing law school. With a J.D. degree, law graduates can become attorneys by applying for admission to the state bars that govern the jurisdictions where they
Find out the average salary in Romania in 2024, salary breakdowns, how it compares with other EU countries, and more.
For example, the average salary in Malaysia is USD 1,565, and that in Sweden is USD 4,767. An outsourcing company will have to pay almost thrice to employ its workforce in Sweden compared to Taiwan. Additionally, most Asian countries have a lower cost of living than European and North Am...
Average salary increment in Japan Highest and lowest-paying professions in Japan The economic outlook for Japan How Time Doctor can help with salary management Let’s get started! Stats on the average salary in Japan The average salary in Japan varies across regions. It also depends on factors,...
Healthcare professionals are the highest-paid professionals in Thailand. A doctor or physician generally earns 228,000 THB/month (6,750 USD) on average. A Thai person working in Executive and Managerial positions earns an average salary of 131,000 THB per month. And legal representatives get an...