The neutron flux distribution and the average neutron flux density have been computed for a 241Am Be neutron source of annular shape by the Monte Carlo method using a Univac 1108 computer. The present work suggests that a 7 Ci annular 241Am Be neutron source (CIS, SNA-4) producing about ...
Take the mass of the sun to be 1.99 1030 kg, the gravitational constant to be G = 6.67 10-11 Nm^2/ If you weigh 660 N on the earth, what would be your weight on the surface of a neutron star that has the same mass as ...
The probability density for speeds (magnitude of velocity) v of gas molecules proportional to f(v) = v^2 e - \frac{mv^2}{2kT}. Is the distribution function f(v) normalized? Find the average speed. (Hint...
Another situation of interest is when only the Hall effect plays a role, so there are then no fluid motions, but just the flow of electrons. This is relevant in neutron star crusts, which are solid, so the ions are immobile. Another application is to the solar wind on scales below the...
We assume in practice that the individual nucleon has a probability Z /A to be a proton, and make clear in the following that our results do not depend on this approximation. The superimposition of the Gaussian participant nucleon densities gives the total density of participant matter in a...
Using the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering data of the COHERENT experiment, we determine for the first time the average neutron rms radius of Cs-133 and I-127. We obtain the practically model-independent value R-n = 5.5(-1.1)(+0.9) fm using the symmetrized Fermi and Helm form ...
Another situation of interest is when only the Hall effect plays a role, so there are then no fluid motions, but just the flow of electrons. This is relevant in neutron star crusts, which are solid, so the ions are immobile. Another application is to the solar wind on scales below the...
Another situation of interest is when only the Hall effect plays a role, so there are then no fluid motions, but just the flow of electrons. This is relevant in neutron star crusts, which are solid, so the ions are immobile. Another application is to the solar wind on scales below the...