been repainted to have a little more style and flare. More often than not there will be some form of lively music playing and you'll find yourself sitting next to some form of livestock. It's a great experience and an opportunity that is not to be missed while you're in the country....
I just had to put my Cooper Dog down on 08SEP20 and it was a difficult decision. Cooper was 12 years and 3 months old. I would only suggest to all the other owners of labrador retreivers, that they keep the weight managable to about 65-75 lbs for a Male and 55-60 for the Fe...
Even your dog or cat curls up for naps. Animals sleep for the same reason as you do – to give the body a tiny vacation. Not only is sleep necessary for your body, it’s important for your brain, too. Though no one is exactly sure what work the brain does when you’re asleep, ...
Massachusetts The City of Brotherly Love extends its hospitality to four-legged friends. Visit For a break from the concrete jungle, head to the This Northeast pet-friendly vacation spot has beaches, brewskies and bogs to entertain you and your dog. Surfside, Brant Point and Cisco Beaches all...
“No excuse for single use “ Every man, woman and dog these days is big on takeaway coffees ! So here’s your chance to help them help the environment….. There are loads of cool prints over on the website so go and take a look. 100 Movies Bucket ...
“People know when it’s automated. Don’t trick them into thinking you’re sitting there writing this stuff. That’s completely changed how I write my emails.” Why less is more with marketing today You don’t need to send an email every single day to be successful. And you don’t ...
Jdog Aug 3, 2020 at 2:53 pm They may be convenient, but they do not add “value” to the car. A car without those features will get you where you need to go just the same. Besides, these gadgets are incredibly cheap, and the price p...
However, that was time I spent in the sun, getting (a little bit of ) exercise, instead of sitting indoors at the laundrymat, watching terrible daytime television. In the right climate, the same thing works in the winter, although it will take more hours for the clothes to dry. If the...
Dog-walking apps like Rover are just a small sample of the money-making apps you can take advantage of. Find more apps that let you earn cash on your own schedule. Need more money? It's time to dig deep. As in, "up to your elbows in the couch" deep. 8. LOOK FOR SPARE CHANGE...
I watch one 3 year old during the day, take him to appointments, etc, do home pre schooling with him. Also, do the dishes almost every day, laundry, sweep, watch the dog. Then on Friday's I do the major whole house cleaning. Also, have the two other children who are 5 and 8 ...