Originally a shipping term, meaning either the duty payable by the owner of goods about to be shipped or the financial liability for any goods lost or damaged at sea, average came into English in the 15th century from French avarie‘damage to a ship or cargo, customs duty’. The ultimate...
Average Path Length refers to the average distance between any two nodes in a graph. It is a measure that helps to understand the structure and connectivity of the graph. The concept of Average Path Length is significant in various applications such as social networks, where it highlights the ...
we assessed the significance of effects on the standard 5% alpha level based on ‘robust’p-values, meaningp-values obtained using the Monte Carlo permutation
El Niño and La Niña are extreme phases of a naturally occurring climate cycle referred to as El Niño/Southern Oscillation. Both terms refer to large-scale changes in sea-surface temperature across the eastern tropical Pacific. Usually, sea-surface readings off South America's west coast r...
The meaning of a particular grain size can vary from one specification to another. This is because it is impossible to specify grain size within tight limits and it may even be undesirable. Agrindingwheel contains a range of grain sizes that will pass through one sieve but not through the ...
down to solar minimum, I assumed (and still assume) that his ascension phase would not go beyond the end of solar maximum, because afterward the sun’s activity would be in decline, which does not seem to me to be consistent with an ascension phase that is tied to the solar cycle. (...
Comparison of the cross-section area along the length of the nasal cavity (left). Beginning from the nostril towards the choane, cross-section areas were calculated for each individual cavity. The box plots illustrate the distribution observed for all 50 cavities (25 subjects, left and right si...
B. Walk or cycle as much as possible. C. Eating fruits from far away. D. Go around the town with parents by car. 10. What can be a suitable title for the text A. What Can People Do To Use Less Energy B. How Does Carbon Footprints Measure Pollution C. How Can Kids Help Reduce...
The life cycle and movement of a cyclone is dictated to a great extent by the upper wind flow. In the initial condition of frontal wave development, the winds on both sides of the front are blowing parallel to the front. Small disturbances then may start a wavelike bend in the front. ...
There is the 1-week cycle, such that maximal values of thermal load data on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are smaller than those on weekdays (Monday–Friday). However, exceptionally, maximal values on national holidays also become as small as on weekends. Relationships between average...