Of course, once the ivy was gone, the house needed to be painted to repair the damage and of course we needed a new gutter to replace the one that came down along with the ivy. I briefly considered siding, but the cost was absurdly high and I also hate the way it looks, so neverm...
I was able to do some quilting which i hadn’t done for a few years. It was a project for older people but i was sent the information so decided to do some pieces. The theme was what you did during lockdown. I did a dog and a walker, although they look like a runner. i got ...
Contrary to what auto ads might have you believe, that is an incredibly enormous amount of money to spend on something whose sole purpose is to transport you from where you are to where you want to be. A good quality bicycle will cost you between $100 and $1000, and it will serve the...
I go through great pains to make sure any chance of food or water contamination is kept at a minimum. Hand washing is number one, plates, utensils and prep surfaces are number two. Soap and hot water go a long way to killing germs and keeping us safe and it’s always a challenge in...