car insurance rates can be quite different even for similar drivers in the same area. Although your circumstances may seem similar, your personalized rating factors mean you may pay a different rate than your friends, family and the national average. Still, knowing the average cost of car insura...
Tesla Model 3 insurance cost by location Among the factors that affect the cost of your car insurance premium, one of the biggest is your location. To show the impact of your home address, here are some average quotes for a 30-year-old living in three different locations. The quotes are...
EVs made by Tesla and Chevrolet are in the running for budget options eligible for the Federal EV credit. That potential extra $3,750-$7,500 tax break helps bring the average cost of a new EV down quite a bit. But there’s still another way to get the best deal on an electric car...
According to the same report, the average starting price for the top ten electric vehicles was $60,500, with all cars except Teslas seeing a jump in prices. This is a sharp jump, especially considering that in January 2020, the average price of an electric car was $54,668. Why Have E...
Even though it had a rough start two decades ago, Tesla seems to be doing just fine now, considering the Model Y was the best-selling EV in the United States last year.
Rental company Hertz said that it ate around $195 million in depreciation for its fleet of Tesla Model 3s. That works out to around $592 per car per month. Now, its EVs are on a fire sale to help minimize losses. “Over the last few years, inflated vehicle trade-in values kept ...
Maximum load trailer weight:Think of the maximum load trailer weight as the GCWR combined with the weight of a fully loaded trailer.10 Conclusion Vehicle weight is one factor you should consider whenbuying a new car, as it affects safety ratings and, therefore, the cost of car insurance. Lea...
His first green-car media event was the launch of the Tesla Roadster, and since then he has been tracking the shift away from gasoline-powered vehicles and discovering the new technology's importance not just for the auto industry, but for the world as a whole. Throw in the recent shift ...
With an average base sticker price of $41,616, the small luxury car segment has the compact non-luxury segment thoroughly beat. Taking the top-tier trim levels into consideration, the average cost rises to $54,035. Even though that is higher than the current average cost of a new vehicle...
TESLA will be proved to be a wealth-detroyer of unprecedented magnitude – “hopium” of the worst sort, “delusional thinking” at its best. [Alternatively – with DEMS in the White House, Senate and House come next January – will the U.S. T...