average cost of capital 英 [ˈævərɪdʒ kɒst ɒv ˈkæpɪtl] 美 [ˈævərɪdʒ kɔːst əv ˈkæpɪtl]网络 平均资本成本 ...
Although the required rate of return on stocks and bonds returned to more “normal” levels by the end of the decade, capital costs remained high. Our research suggests that for most large public companies, the weighted average cost of capital, or WACC, exceeded 10% for most of the 1980s ...
我们的研究表明,对多数大型上市公司来说,加权平均资金成本,即WACC,在20世纪80、90年代超过10%。 Many of today’s business leaders cut their teeth in a period of relative capital scarcity and high borrowing costs. In the early 1980s, double-digit federal-funds rates prevailed, and corporate debt an...
average cost of capital 【经】 平均资金成本相关短语 number average (数量平均) 数均 time cost (按时间计算的费用成本) 时间成本 job lot method (指成本计算等) 分批法 debt financing (以发行债券或期票筹集资金) 举债筹资,举债筹资 insurance and freight (CIF)(成本加保险费运费) 到岸价 Kuznets cycle...
沪江词库精选weighted average cost of capital是什么意思、英语单词推荐 【经】 加权平均的资本成本 相似短语 weighted average cost of capital 【经】 加权平均的资本成本 weighted average unit cost 加权平均单位成本 weighted average index 加权平均指数 weighted arithmetic average 加权算术平均数 weighted...
Weighted average cost of capital(加权平均资本成本)是什么 General formula for the WACC where ke is the cost of equity kd is the cost of debt Ve is the market value of equity in the firm Vd is the market value of debt in the firm ...
Calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) by entering the equity and debt below. Total Equity: $ Cost of Equity: % Total Debt: $ Cost of Debt: % Corporate Tax Rate: % Weighted Average Cost of Capital: WACC: % Learn how we calculated this below scroll down ...
平均资本成本是权益资本成本和债务资本成本的加权平均,所以,通常称之为加权平均资本成本(RWACC),其计算公式如下: [*] 式中的权数分别是权益占总价值的比重,即[*];和负债占总价值的比重,即[*]。显然,若企业无负债,即是一个100%权益企业,其平均资本成本就等于权益资本成本RS;若企业负债特别多而权益几乎为0,即...
Average cost of capital (ACC) formula can be defined as: where V = total market value of the firm; S = value of stockholder's equity; B = value of debt; r E = rate of return of stockholder's equity; i = interest rate on debt; and 蟿 c = corporate tax rate. Here, r E is...
同学你好,weighted average cost of capital是指公司加权平均资本成本也就是WACC,也就是同时考虑了公司股权要求收益率和债权要求收益率后的加权数值 cost of equity capital是指股东要求回报率 Re,也就是只考虑股权要求回报的一个值 我们对现金流折现的时候,需要遵循一一对应的原则,也就是什么现金流就用什么折现率 ...