tfh iellucostnrtaetxe ttohfe Tcaobnlteex6t aonfd Ttahbelye a6l saondsh tohweyt haalstot hsheopwro tphoaste tdhe mpordoeploisebde mtteordtehla ins bAeNtteFrI Sthaannd AANNFFISIS a-SnSdA AfNorFI7S0‐%SS, A80 f%ora 7n0d...
Such models are also used for project cost forecasting [19] and the enrollment forecasting at Alabama University [20,21]. In order to improve the accuracy of fuzzy time series models, many researchers have proposed other models on the basis of Chen's model. For example, an unequal interval ...
The effect of the main processing parameters on the channel's geometry is presented. Keywords: microfabrication; polymeric microchip; laser ablation; PDMS devices; low-cost fabrica- tion tool 1. Introduction Micromachining techniques to create polymeric microfluidic or microchip devices have received ...