Here is a price breakdown of the typical costs:grave space - $1,000 cost to dig the grave ( sometimes called the open/close fee) - $1,000 Many families are surprised to learn that the price they pay for the grave site does not include the cost to dig the hole for burial, but ...
cost for a casket: $2,300 embalming: $500 cost for using the funeral home for the actual funeral service: $500 cost of a grave site: $1,000 cost to dig the grave: $600 cost of a grave liner or outer burial container: $1,000 cost of a headstone: $1,500 ...
There is no typical or flat rate amount a person can expect to receive for a medical negligence lawsuit. Medical negligence settlements or awards vary according to the injuries involved, the cost of treating the complications, and the liable parties in the case. However, you should know that...
In general, the more asbestos companies responsible for your illness, the more legal claims you can file and the more mesothelioma settlements you may receive. 5. Medical Expenses The total cost of mesothelioma treatment can exceed $400,000. Since most patients cannot afford to pay for everythin...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Cost of Dying Takes Breath Away; Average Burial Bill Now Tops Pounds 2,000 - Survey" by Personal, Ian Halstead - The Birmingham Post (England), April 8, 2000By PersonalIan Halstead...
Declining Balance Term Insurance- this form of insurance is a variation on term insurance and is often referred to as mortgage life insurance. This policy can be written to match the declining cost of your mortgage principal, though the premium remains the same. Once the mortgage has been paid...
For example, consumers still need to pay for basic services, rent the funeral home, and print materials for the funeral service. But they can save some money over the cost of a burial, because they don't have to pay for expensive items like a casket, opening and closing of the grave ...
For example, consumers still need to pay for basic services, rent the funeral home, and print materials for the funeral service. But they can save some money over the cost of a burial, because they don't have to pay for expensive items like a casket, opening and closing of the grave ...
For example, consumers still need to pay for basic services, rent the funeral home, and print materials for the funeral service. But they can save some money over the cost of a burial, because they don't have to pay for expensive items like a casket, ...
For example, consumers still need to pay for basic services, rent the funeral home, and print materials for the funeral service. But they can save some money over the cost of a burial, because they don't have to pay for expensive items like a casket, ...