as in regular lattices. Communication is efficient because distances are orders of magnitude smaller than the system size. In real networks, the small world property is generally coupled with a high average clustering coefficient. The Watts–Strogatz model...
Average degree (AD), average betweenness (AB), average closeness (AC), and average clustering coefficient (ACC) are considered for the centrality 𝒞C proposed in Section 5. These proposed measures are compared against the basic link prediction measures of CN, JC, AA, RA, PA, and CCPA. ...
Based on the SISO transformation method, the input, output variable, and the status variable are expanded to the vector; the variable of each system is expanded to the coefficient matrix, and matrix operations are introduced into the conversion process. Then, . it became possible to eliminate ...
Keywords: average wind power; interval forecasts; optimal subtractive clustering method; ANFIS; SSA; Model comparison 1. Introduction 1.1. Motivation Given the important environmental advantages of renewable energy sources, the installation of wind power plants has significantly increased in most ...