easy to use, they offer anonymity, and they offer a great tax deduction. Individuals can immediately deduct contributions to DAFs up to 50 percent of their adjusted gross income, and if they can't take the full deduction when they make the contribution, they can carry it forward for up to...
Forty-one years after the original space race began with the launch of the Russian Sputnik, the world's first satellite, a new race has emerged. Its goal is to make space flight accessible to the average Joe or Mary -- by o...
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good massage as much as the next middle-class white chick with a not-great-but-decidedly-above-average amount of disposable income, but I thought I’d found an alternative that would cost about the same and take way less time to get done. Well, wouldn...
By the time it was your turn, the shining prizes of career advancement and a double income had lost their brightness. A splash(溅水) in the pool with you in your bright red boots or "just one more" rereading of your favorite book, Frog and Toad Are Friends, meant more. You didn’t...