TIMED SIT-UPS PREDICT SINGLE LEG BROAD JUMP DISTANCE OF AVERAGE WEIGHT ADOLESCENT MALESTo assess the effects of eccentric work-induced hamstring fatigue on sagittal and transverse plane (axial) knee and ankle biodynamics and kinetics during a running crossover cut directional change (functional p...
She got a new Honda last year, after driving a Nissan for 15 years. I’m still driving my 2008 Nissan pickup and love it. We kept her old car for now as an extra, plan to donate it soon. Buying un-needed cars the largest waste of money...
Running… I feel I have been neglecting. I know I haven’t done enough, I should have run more in Mallorca and throughout the month. Running has always been one of my strengths and this year I have been racing less so taken this for granted. Last year I was stronger runner (but a...
The first sections in this guide explain the challenges with star ratings and how the Bayesian average has become the preferred method for ranking by star ratings. If you like, you canjump directly into the coding guide. The difficulties with calculating a reliable rating# ...
minuscule dwarves. My 2-year-old dwarf (who for the purposes of testing magically became an adult, congrats kid) who's size is 6760 right now can apparently two-hand that battle axe and two-handed sword as well, because the 2 handed check has triggered for all weapons under 62500 size....