Evidence-Based Medicine in Breast Augmentation: Is the Goal to Promote Average or Offer the Most State-of-the-Art Treatment for Patients?I am writing to comment on the article entitled "Evidence-Based Augmentation Mammaplasty" in the December of 2010 issue of the Journal. For surgeons who may...
Updated February 2, 2023 to include recent cost data.How much does breast augmentation cost? What about facelift surgery or rhinoplasty?If you are currently researching plastic surgery procedures, you may have noticed that pricing information is missing from many plastic surgeon’s websites. The ...
Reply: Evidence-Based Medicine in Breast Augmentation: Is the Goal to Promote Average or Offer the Most State-of-the-Art Treatment for Patients?Evidence-basededicine isftenisunderstood. Physiciansfteneelhat evidence-basededicineeeksoestrictheirlinicalreedomndhat innovation is in dangerf extinctio...
To obtain the Z-average metric, we conducted local training on local client data before FL training, which increased the time cost. How to conduct averaged models needs more careful consideration. It is expected that a less time-consuming method will be introduced. In addition, the suitable ...