英文缩写ABER 英文全称Average Bit Error Rate 中文解释平均误比特率 热门英文缩写词 C-MRS(中国材料研究学会) CAMPUS(塑料产品数据库) DSDT(来自电脑注册表) gdr(普通分发版本) CM/P(控制程序或监控程序) ICS(国际细胞因子学会) ISPMB(国际植物分子生物学学会) ...
1. 平均误比特率 通信名词缩... ... A-D Analog-Digital 模数ABER Average Bit Error Rate平均误比特率AGCH Access Grant CHannel 接入允许 … 3y.uu456.com|基于46个网页 2. 平均误码率 常用专业术语简称 - 第2页 -... ...ABER Average Bit Error Rate平均误码率ABF Audio Bandpass Filter 音频带通...
ABER 英文全称Average Bit Error Rate 中文解释平均误比特率 缩写分类电子电工, ACI邻频干扰 ACIR邻信道干扰比 ACIR邻信道干扰比 ACL异步无连接 ACLR邻信道泄漏比 AAL声波幅度测井仪 ACP邻道功率 ACR允许的信元率 ACR平均信元率 ACU天线组合单元 UA尿酸
First, a new expression for the average bit error rate (BER) is derived for systems with quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK) spreading, the conventional matched filter receiver, a coherent detector for binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) data symbols, and chip waveforms that result in no ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook ABER (redirected fromAverage Bit Error Rate) AcronymDefinition ABERAberystwyth ABERAnnual Blood Examination Rate(various locations) ABERAlternativ Bus Reisen Gmbh ABERAuditory brain stem evoked response ABERAverage Bit Error Rate ...
Discusses the average bit-error-rate (BER) performance of band-limited direct sequence spread-spectrum multiple access communications. Derivation of the BER expression for binary and quaternary phase shift keying; Detection of binary phase shift keying data symbols with quaternary phase shift keying spre...
aWe derive closed-form expressions of the probability density function (PDF) of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and average bit-error rate (BER) for the proposed scheme. 我们获得可能性密度函数(PDF的)封闭形状表示的信号噪音比(SNR)和平均位错误率(BER)为提出的计划。[translate]...
The impact of temperature gradients on the average bit error rate (ABER) performance of low-density parity-check (LDPC)-coded underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) systems is investigated over the generalized gamma fading channels. The effects of absorption and scattering are also taken ...
A lower bound on the average error of vector quantizers (Corresp.) Average Bit-Error Rate of the Alamouti Scheme in Gamma-Gamma Fading Channels Average Error Bounds of Best Approximation of Continuous Functions on the Wiener Space Average Error Bounds of Best Approximation of Continuous Functions ...