The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids was always higher in feedlot-fed cattle at the end of the grazing season, but in 2013, when all cattle were nearing slaughter weight, the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio was 50% higher for feedlot-fed than for BFT-fed cattle and double that of...
Kepak Farm, located in Dunboyne, finishes 3,500 cattle a year, with cattle supplied direct to the nearby Kepak factory in Clonee.Owned by the Kepak Group, it claims to be one of Ireland’s most efficient finishing units, with average daily liveweight gains hitting 1.5kg a head a day. ...
Relationships between enteric methane production and economically important traits in beef cattle Livestock ScienceJournal2022,Livestock Science Andrew D.Lakamp, ...Megan M.Rolf 4Average daily gain and feed efficiency Average daily gain(ADG) estimates how much an animal'sbody weightincreases per day ...
The influence of these weatherconditions was allowed to differ by sex,placement weight, and placement month.Results indicate that performance and profitsof lightweight placements are more sensitiveto temperature and precipitation changesthan are heavier weight calves. Aboveaverage temperature tends to ...
Variance and covariance components for weaning weight for Herefords in three countries. are nearly 50% smaller than the values currently used in national genetic evaluation for the breed, which were estimated using sire-maternal grandsire ... MD De,I Misztal,JK Bertrand - 《Journal of Animal Scie...
The higher digestibility of legumes compared with grasses reduces methane emissions in cattle both through higher digestibility of the forage and through direct impacts on methanogens operating in the rumen.As reported in this thesis, steers finished on BFT gained significantly more weight per day ...
Automated computer vision system to predict body weight and average daily gain in beef cattle during growing and finishing phasesdoi:10.1016/j.livsci.2019.103904A. CominotteA.F.A. FernandesJ.R.R. DoreaG.J.M. RosaM.M. LadeiraE.H.C.B. van Cleef...
Thus, the objectives of this study were to: 1) assess the predictive quality of an automated computer vision system used to predict BW and average daily gain (ADG) in beef cattle; and 2) compare different predictive approaches, including Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Least Absolute ...
Analysis of the energy expenditure in the performance testing of young bulls of dairy and beef cattle types on the farm VEG (Z) Tierzucht Woldegk. At a breeding station the energy requirements of growing bulls of 8 dairy genotypes (average liveweight 229 to 318 kg) and 3 beef genotypes (...
In order to ensure the chemical safety of bovine meat, the aim was to explore the dependency of the bioconcentration (BCF) and biotransfer (BTF) factor, and assimilation efficiency (AE) of PCBs on carcass lipid proportion and growth rate of beef cattle. Eleven bulls were fattened for 293 ...