The average apartment rent in Los Angeles is $2,761. Browse detailed statistics & rent trends, compare apartment sizes and rent prices by neighborhood.
The average rent for all bedrooms and all property types in Phoenix, AZ is$1,950. Average rent $1,950 Month-over-month change +$40 Year-over-year change -$50 Available rentals 3,989 Source: Zillow Rentals data Rental price range ...
The average apartment size in the U.S. rose to 916 square feet in 2023. Discover the cities with the largest and smallest apartments.
Average rent in the U.S. increased significantly since 2021, as the monthly rent of apartments in November 2023 was over 200 USD higher than three years ago.
The average rent fell just 0.1% year over year in January to $1,599. On a monthly basis, rent prices rose by 0.5% ($5). The price per square foot of an apartment, which has hovered around $1.80 for over a year, fell 1.5% compared to January 2024. ...
Rent comparables in Los Angeles, CA The monthly rent for an apartment in Los Angeles, CA is $2,550. A 1-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles, CA costs about $2,409 on average, while a 2-bedroom apartment is $3,165. Houses for rent in Los Angeles, CA are more expensive, with an aver...
travel budget is important. Many people think they can visit South Korea on a tight budget, but most travelers aren't comfortable with a low "shoestring" budget. Think about what you enjoy during your vacations and how you typically travel. Do you prefer resorts, vacation rentals, or ...
Guadeloupe isn't exactly a hotspot for hostels, so if you're expecting to stay in a cheap dorm to save money, you might want to adjust your plans. Instead, find a cheap hotel or apartment rental. Guadeloupe is a fairly expensive country that often caters to luxury travelers. There are ...
Despite a slowdown in the country's economy, property prices remained relatively high across China in 2023.
Renters insurance is available to just about any renter, whether you’re renting an apartment in a professional apartment complex or a private residence. It covers you and your property from many kinds of damage and liability. If you own your house, there’s a good chance you’re already pa...