The average apartment rent in Los Angeles is $2,761. Browse detailed statistics & rent trends, compare apartment sizes and rent prices by neighborhood.
Apartment Condo House Room All types CancelApply Rent price trends Rent prices for all bedroom counts and property types in Los Angeles, CA have decreased by 2% in the last month and have increased by 4% in the last year. We analyze our inventory and calculate this information on a 30-day...
The average apartment size has been decreasing slowly over the past decade, while rentals have been growing in both popularity and price.
LOS ANGELES, July 12 (Xinhua) -- More than 100,000 U.S. dollars in annual income is needed to afford an "average" two-bedroom apartment in the five largest cities of the United States, a personal finance techology company said Wednesday. In an annual report, SmartAsset searched 15 major ...
When moving to another state, the average cost of moving will be anywhere between$3,570and$6,163depending on a number of price factors. On average, the total weight of all items found inside a 3-bedroom apartment is roughly 9,000 lbs. ...
Snider said we won’t see an impact on price until hundreds of thousands of new houses and units are built. That will likely take another decade. So in the short term, continued high prices here, and rising prices elsewhere as people try to find something more affordable. HousingNewsSilicon...
Well,bachelor partiestend to cost more than bachelorettes for a few reasons. Bachelor party attendees are more likely to travel to expensive cities likeLas Vegas, Los Angeles and NYC, and they're slightly more inclined to stay in hotels, rather than more affordable house or apartment rentals....
If you're thinking Phoenix will have plenty of hostel options, you might be in for a surprise. Instead of relying on cheap dorms, it's better to seek out an inexpensive hotel or an apartment rental. Traveling in Phoenix Phoenix, Arizona ...
Mutti is a German-made short about a soon to be groom (played by Nicolo Pasetti) who gets more than he bargains for when he’s lured back to a young woman’s (Raquel Villar) apartment to meet her new roommate, Mutti (played by Stefanie Wermeling). I’ve known Xavier (at least in...
Something to keep in mind when looking at earnings by city is also the cost of living by city. Here’s a chart showing the cost of renting an apartment in a handful of major cities in the U.S. from 2022: Source: Apartment List ...