only single words Share| "Average" Quotes from Famous Books ...L.'s obliging manners and by Octavie's blue eyes. These had been steadily gaining in expression since she first opened them about seventeen years back. Customers soon came in, and for a time the little business was as flouris...
Peter Lewin and Nicolas Cachanosky seek to rehabilitate the concept of the average period of production (APP) introduced into Austrian capital theory by B&
To this end, the inverse of tie strength is considered as the cost associated to each link, or, in other words, the cost for a user to share a message over that link. The cost of a path is therefore a measure of the “lack of trust” or of the amount of resources to be spent ...
The drawback of average pooling is that all the elements in a pooling region are considered, even if many have low magnitude. It weighs down the strong activations because it combines many sparse elements on average. View chapterExplore book ...
stock mutual funds and adjusted for money that was shoveled in and yanked out during the period.The table that follows enumerates some of the details of this unique study. The large disparity between the fund’s stated returns and the amount investors actually realized was a surprise even to ...
Rather than trying to troubleshoot load averages, I'm used to looking at a few other metrics. These metrics will be covered later in the chapter "Better Metrics". history The original load average metric only showed demand for CPU: that is, the number of programs running plus the number ...
of the load average, however, we have to sample the system at discrete points in time (the Linux kernel samples every 5 seconds. See UNIX Load Average: An Addendum). In other words, the differential equation that we wrote in the previous section has to be replaced by a difference ...
The presence of atmosphere can appreciably warm a planet’s surface above the temperature of an airless environment. Known as a natural Greenhouse Effect (GE), this near-surface Atmospheric Thermal Enhancement (ATE) as named herein is presently entirely
Answer to: Zak purchased 110 vials of royal blood for 308 silver stage total, and then 145 vials for 58 silver stags. What is the average cost of...
In other words, Te is the equilibrium temperature of a black disk orthogonally illuminated by shortwave radiation with intensity equal to the average solar flux absorbed by a sphere having a Bond albedo α p . This makes Te a non-physical temperature with respect to a spherical surface. The ...